Tuesday, May 19, 2020

New Grad A Program Assignment - 888 Words

New Grad A has begun orientation on a geriatrics unit. She has developed a good relationship with her preceptor over the past 7 weeks and feels confident in her progression on orientation thus far. Unfortunately due to the preceptor’s abrupt illness, New Grad A will have to complete the last week with another preceptor. From their first shift together, New Grad A feels that the new preceptor has not been welcoming, supportive, or engaged in teaching and providing learning experiences and skills need for the completion of orientation. While caring for a patient, New Grad A failed to recognize a patient’s confusion as a result of a catheter-associated urinary tract infection. The preceptor scolds New Grad A on the â€Å"inability to notice subtle changes in patient behavior and symptoms† and expresses her reservations about hiring new grad and the need for longer orientation for â€Å"slower grasping new hires†. New Grad A immediately feels incompetent, and ill-prepared by her initial preceptor. New Grad A confides in her clinical instructor that she thinks she should resign and that maybe her previous preceptor did not prepare her appropriately. You know her preceptor is an excellent clinician and experienced teacher. What would be your advice to New Grad A and the preceptor on settling this crucial conversation? During the crucial conversation between then preceptor and new grad, the stakes are high, in light of the preceptor’s seniority and the new grad’s inability or courage toShow MoreRelatedThe Between Undergrad And Grad Essay1067 Words   |  5 PagesTo someone who hasn’t been through grad school, there isn’t much difference between the undergrad and grad coursework. Yet this preconceived notion could be further from the truth. Without a doubt, the level of study for a graduate program is more rigorous and demanding than study involved at the undergrad level. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Reflective Reflection - 1145 Words

Originally, I thought that I would group the articles by themes to complete my weekly reflections. For instance, the Week 12 reflection would incorporate the theoretical and/or philosophical underpinnings of conceptual understandings as discussed in the works of Simon (1995) and Samara Clements (2004). Then, Week 13 would explore the affordances and constraints of learning trajectories highlighted in the work of Daro, Mosher, Corcoran (2011), Empson (2011), and Myers, Sztajn, Wilson, Edgington (2015). But, as I finished the Simon article, and then the Daro article, I realized that I was really struggling to make sense of the importance of the Simon article. As with all other articles, (and maybe this is a flaw of mine), if I spend†¦show more content†¦I need to get clear in my mind what the field considers a learning trajectory and then consider what has been identified in the literature as learning trajectory pros and cons. The report produced by Daro et al. provides a definition of trajectories (or progressions) that is accessible to many levels and applicable to many areas. According to Daro et al, â€Å"trajectories or progressions are ways of characterizing what happens in between any given set of beginning and endpoints and, in an educational context, describe what seems to be involved in helping students get to particular desired endpoints† (2011, p. 23). While this appears to be a non-biased approach to describing or categorizing the learning paths of students, with the underlying goal of aiding educators and researchers in instructional decisions and explorations, not all see learning trajectories as beneficial. From the reading, it is obvious that educators may not agree that all learning trajectories are beneficial. In the table below, I have identified some of the pros and cons discussed in the literature. Through the readings, it was fairly easy to categorizes the benefits of trajectories. Trajectories can aid in focusing on children’s thinking (Daro et al., 2011; Empson, 2011; Myers et al., 2015; Olive, 2000; Turner et al., 2016), guide instructor’s anticipation of student responses (Daro et al., 2011), improve mathematicalShow MoreRelatedReflective Reflection On Reflective Practice2289 Words   |  10 PagesReflection is considered as a state of mind which is a continuous practice (Fanghanel, 2004, p. 576). It yields confidential and safe ways to demonstrate personal experiences as well as continuously challenging perceptions, illusions and biases that can be damaging to cultures and society. Reflective practice enables the practitioner to learn about themselves and their work, their culture and society in which they live. As a counsellor, the role of reflection is something that is essential in orderRead MoreReflection Of The Gibbs Reflective Cycle945 Words   |  4 Pages (Gibbs G, 1988) The introduction of the Gibbs reflective cycle helped the nurses to have a systematic thinking about the different activity phases (Huston, 2014). These logical elements of the procedure are describing the problem, feelings identification, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and an action plan. Every stage is essential in carrying out the reflective processes for nurses. Nurses come across many situations that affect their emotions, ethical dilemmas, conflicts from the patient’s familyRead MoreReflection Of A Reflective Leadership Retreats1084 Words   |  5 Pagesretreats offer opportunities for individuals to â€Å"visualize, organize, prioritize, and energize† (p. 10). These temporary escapes create intentional time for individuals to reflect and assess their daily circumstances from a different perspective. Reflective leadership retreats can result in valuable insights for both individuals and groups. 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One of these reflective models will be used to provide a critical analysis of my experience on the Study Skills and Employability module. Critical reflection will be included on how I felt during the module and what I have learnt from the module as well as what I would do next time if I was to repeat the module again. Reflection/ Reflective practice Reflection involves looking back on an experienceRead MoreReflective Reflection895 Words   |  4 PagesI do not recall learning about reflective practice in my undergraduate studies. Reflective practice according to Barbour (2013), â€Å"is the cyclic process of internally examining and exploring an issue of concern, triggered by an experience, which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self, existing knowledge, and experience; resulting in a changed conceptual perceptive and practice† (p. 7). According to Barbour (2013), reflective process has many positive outcomes to help guide the nurse to becomeRead MoreReflective Reflection : Reflective Learning913 Words   |  4 PagesReflective learning leads to the growth of an individual both in the personal and professional life supporting him morally, emotionally and psychologically. Reflection learning can help us better understand our strengths and weakness. It also helps us identify our questions values and beliefs. It encourages acknowledging and challenging possible assumptions on which our feelings, ideas actions and reactions are based. We can identify the areas of discrimination and acknowledge our fears. Also, itRead MoreReflective Reflection On Reflective Practice1332 Words   |  6 Pages Reflective Practice in Special Education Using Action Research Sunny Suzanne West St. Joseph’s University Course Title â€Æ' Abstract: Reflective Practices in Special Education Using Action Research Title and Link to Study: Promoting Reflective Practices in Special Education through Action Research: Recommendations from Pre-service Teachers; Paula Wenner Conroy http://journals.library.wisc.edu/index.php/networks Research Problem and Purpose of the Study: What is reflectiveRead MoreReflective Reflection On Reflective Practice1474 Words   |  6 PagesReflection is a form of personal response to experiences, situations and events. Reflective practice therefore is based on experience and instinctive learning that one may not aware of it until responded to the situation. It demonstrates how to combine with ones qualities and clinical knowledge and skills in order to .deliver safe and effective patient care. (Jones, 2016).Individuals reflects because issues arise that needs to be considered both before and after one performs. The piece of reflectionRead MoreReflective Reflection Of Reflective Practice1896 Words   |  8 PagesThe general trend for scholars was to either explain or expound on theories of the previous scholars but Professor of nursing Gary Rolfe (2001) designed a reflective model to simplify the learning cycle. This version of the reflective cycle was comprised of three questions that ask the reflective practitioner: Wha t, So what, and Now what? (Rolfe 2001)The idea is that through these questions we gain a description of the situation ultimately leading to critic of the situation as well as the f knowledge

Aquatic ecology free essay sample

Dissolved oxygen is oxygen that is trapped in a fluid, such as water. Since virtually every living organism requires oxygen to survive, it is a necessary component of water systems such as streams, lakes and rivers in order to support aquatic life. The dissolved oxygen is measure in units of ppm—or parts per million. Examine the data in Table 2 showing the amount of dissolved oxygen present and the number of fish observed in the body of water the sample was taken from; finally, answer the questions below. Table 2: Water quality vs. fish population 1. Based on the information in Table 2, what patterns do you observe? The more dissolved oxygen in the water, the more fish are observed in that area of water. We will write a custom essay sample on Aquatic ecology or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 2. Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water. If there is more dissolved oxygen in the water, there will be more fish are observed in the area of water. 3. What would your experimental approach be to test this hypothesis? To test the hypothesis I would do the same to get the results on the table. Test the oxygen in different areas of the water and keep track of the amount of fish in the area to later compare the results. 4. What are the independent and dependent variables? Independent Variable- Dissolved Oxygen Dependent- Fish 5. What would be your control? In this experiment I don’t believe there would be a way to have a control since the fish would need to be able to move their own to conduct the experiment. 6. What type of graph would be appropriate for this data set? Why? I feel that a line graph would be the best type of graph to convey this information. It would support the hypothesis along with showing the results in a very clear manner. 7. Graph the data from the table above. ? 8. Interpret the data from the graph made in Question 7. The graph shows that when the amount of Dissolved Oxygen increased the number of fish in the area increase and when the amount of oxygen decreases the amount of fish decrease. Â © 2010 eScience Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved ? Dissolved Oxygen (ppm) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Number of Fish Observed 0 1 3 10 12 13 15 10 12 13